We have three access areas for cars: Bowman Court, Silva Drive and behind the Leisure Centre in Hedgerow Court.

Parking for bikes is located adjacent to Silva Drive bus stop. 


Conveyance Allowance

This is a form of financial assistance to help with the cost of transporting students to their nearest appropriate denominational school.

Eligibility criteria Eligibility is determined by the Victorian Government, not the College. Students attending a non-government school, i.e Catholic College, must:

  • attend the nearest Catholic school appropriate to their year level
  • live 4.8km or more by the shortest practicable route from the school

Families living near Beechworth, Rutherglen or Chiltern should check which is their closest school: our College or Galen in Wangaratta. Use ‘Bing maps’ as a reference. The final determination for qualification is made by the Victorian Government through its Student Conveyance Allowance System – SCAS.


Download Conveyance Allowance Form



Country Service

Service Areas (various bus lines). Allan Flats, Bandiana, Baranduda, Barnawartha, Bellbridge, Bethanga, Bonegilla, Castle Creek Road area, Chiltern, Ebden, Gundowring, Indigo Valley, Kergunyah, Kiewa, Killara, Osborne Flat, Talgarno, Tallangatta, Tangambalanga, Sandy Creek, Staghorn Flat and Yackandandah.


Download Country Bus Service Form


Families living in NSW

Families in NSW must lodge applications online via Transport NSW School Student Transfer Scheme:
Failure to organise may result in your child being excluded from bus travel.



All forms can be returned to the conveyance officer via email. If there is any questions about which form you require, contact or 02 6043 5500.