New Student Guide
Transition Events
Books and Resources
Medical Profile
First Day
During the transition phase, your family may be contacted by the Administration team,
a year-level Director of Learning, a Learning Community Leader or Learning Mentor. Identified families can expect to hear from our Student Services team regarding wellbeing or learning matters.
Once your child has started school, we work together on strong three-way engagement: student, family, and school.
Email and parent portal ‘Compass’ are our primary forms of communication. To ensure you are up to date with current matters and actions required, please check these regularly.
Parental Portal (Compass)
Information will be emailed in mid-January with instructions to activate, download and navigate the user friendly app.
This app will enable you to notify us of absences, grant permission for excursions, check when assessments are due, access reports etc.
Click here for the Compass parent guide
The College uses the two email addresses provided on the enrolment forms, unless court orders state otherwise. If you are a dual residence family and unsure who has access, contact 6043 5500. Regularly check both in-boxes, including junk/spam folders.
Website & Social Media
Like or bookmark these links.
Facebook Catholic College
Instagram Catholic College
Website www.ccw.vic.edu.au